Thursday, October 23, 2014

Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tema Kesehatan

Natural Skin Care Basic

By Ena Rs

Natural Skin Care Basic - When it comes to skin care, skin leather without color. Think of it like your diet: regardless of ethnic background we have, we all need the same nutritious food (that offer antioxidants, and fatty acids, protein, vitamins, etc.) to be healthy. The same concept applies to a particular skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body and this is why the skin requires the same ingredients to treat acne, dry skin, sun damage, wrinkles, oily skin, uneven skin tone, rosaceous, and skin allergies, and so on. All of these issues affect every skin tone.

Everyone needs the basics of skin is also the same for care: gentle cleansing, and protection from the sun, and the state of the art products for their skin type. It is also important to avoid problematic substances such as alcohol, menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemon, natural or synthetic fragrances. Exposure to irritants always will worsen any condition on any skin tone. Skin color is made the amount of melanin in the skin. More melanin means darker skin tones. There are a lot of melanin gives women of color added advantage when it comes to how to handle their skin exposure to the sun and when the damage becomes visible. Basically, the more melanin the skin has, and the more natural skin defense against the sun.

Although the excess melanin is good news for those with darker skin tones, and this does not mean that the damage caused by sun exposure without protection does not occur. Uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and slower healing time (especially for scars) primarily a result of sun damage. Although it takes longer and more intense exposure to the sun's visible damage occurs in dark-skinned, sun damage is always greater on sun-exposed skin of chronic skin properly protected. All skin, without color, can completely damaged by the sun and all people need to re-apply sunscreen and a broad spectrum periodically during the day-long day outdoors, especially after swimming or sweating.

The point is that regardless of skin color or ethnicity, all people need a skin care routine that includes:

         Gentle cleansing
         peel effective for improving skin texture and tone
         moisturizer for (more than dry areas, including around the eyes) state-of-the-art
         broad spectrum, and daily SPF protection from the sun 15 degrees or greater
    Proper care for changes in skin color (or alternative to hydroquinone-based products proven), blemishes, dry skin, oily skin, and pink.

Just to be examined, not skin color skin type and skin type should determine exactly what products you use. Instead of getting misled by clever marketing to convince you to buy a product on the basis of race, following the approach of choice for research teams use products that suit your skin type and condition, not the color of your skin. You even make it easy for you to our review and recommendation of skin care in every Beauty pediatric classified according to the type of skin! That’s all about Natural Skin Care Basic.
